Monday, August 23, 2010

Training for ORR Bike Ride... Asphalt Exfoliation. (Updated 8/25)

Five hours of sleep and then time to get up for a long bike ride. We were training for the ORR 100 mile bike ride to raise money for ORR. The money will be spent between our ongoing Haiti operatons and relief efforts aimed at helping the flood victiums in Pakistan.

My dad joined Isaac and I on what we were planning on being a 80 mile training bike ride. I towed Kailey in the bike trailer. She has been needing some extra daddy time, so I thought it would be a good way for us to spend some time together. When I woke her up Saturday morning and told her she was coming with us, her eyes lit up.

We left from our house about 8:00am after a few delays getting started. First we rode toward Lincoln. Isaac was ridding phenomenally, we were averaging about 13 miles per hour. Once we got to Lincoln we turned north on HWY 77.

About 4 miles south of Wahoo, 40 miles into our ride Isaac and I’s handlebars became caught and we wrecked. It was a pretty bad wreck. Dad got mixed up in it too, but somehow he came free without going down.. Kailey was not hurt, but both Isaac and I went down. When my dad asked Kailey if she was alright, she said “I got really freaked out!”

Isaac and I both took road rash and our bikes got beat up a bit. Laying on the asphalt crying and bleeding the first thing out of his mouth was “I don’t want to end the ride this way, I want to finish the ride.” Dad called Joan to pick us up. Luckily she was close by as she was going to meet us for lunch in Wahoo.

We had pretty much decided to call it a day when Isaac said that he really wanted to continue. Since hour injuries were mainly superficial, we decided to at least continue on to Wahoo for lunch. I asked Isaac what he thought about the rest of the day. He said he wanted to finish the whole ride. So, sweat soaked and bleeding we continued on and rode another 50 miles in 90+ degree heat for a totally of a 90 mile bike ride. I did not tow Kailey past the 40 mile mark due to muscle fatigue and the wreck. Pulling 50 extra pounds puts a lot of strain on your quads and your "glutes".

About the 75 mile mark it was getting really hot and we were all feeling wore out. About the time we were trying to decide if we needed to call in help, we saw a center pivot irrigation sprinkler wattering a field. The sprinkler end was close to the road and some of the water was actually goin into out of the road. We quickly diteched ur bikes in the grass and stood in the sprinkler for about 10 minutes. It was wonderfull. It cooled us off and refreshed us. We were soaked and loving it. Thank God for that sprinkler, it helped us finish the ride.

To say that I am proud of Isaac for his courage and determination, would be an understatement. He has the lion of Judah in his heart. I would have totally fine with calling at day, there is no shame in that. But for him to keep ridding and finish a 90 mile bike ride, that is awesome. Thank you God for keeping us from serious injury and helping us to be able to finish the ride.

So, it was a little crazy and a little scary at time, but all in all God kept us safe and we overcame to ride another day.

- Aaron Hall


  1. Wow, phenomenal effort! Sorry to hear about the crash, but what amazing courage to get back on the bike and finish your ride! I am so impressed and can't imagine how proud you and your family must be of Isaac! I can hardly wait to ride with you guys on September 11th!

    :-) Rich

  2. That's amazing Aaron and Isaac I think you are one brave young man, so glad you hung in there. God gave you great strength and stamina to go so far while injured. May he bless all you do

  3. You 3 fellows are awesome! Good for Isaac in keeping the "old guys" going. "The children shall lead them...." After your 90 mile trip in the heat and humidity with injuries, the 100 mile excursion should be a breeze! Ride on...
    Blessings, love and hugs, Maralyn & Gary
