Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Cholera update and roadblocks

We have had no new cases of cholera reported yesterday or today. Although we have seen some relapsing. Many of those that have gone to the hospital to be cared for have been sent home after they have had a few IV bags and have been somewhat re hydrated. When they return home and the symptoms return they end up just as sick as they had been previously. We have continued to help those we find in need and are still giving purified water and hydration solution to all who need/want it. We 2went to Cap Haitian yesterday to help some doctors get out of the hospital they were stuck in because of the rioting that has been going on there. We had to navigate through a few roadblocks set up by protesters. It was an interesting day. It was encouraging that as we made our way north yesterday and explained to people that we had a nurse and medicine to help with cholera they let us through. Sometimes a little slower than others , but we made it through all of the blockades. Most Haitians I meet care about their fellow man so when given the opportunity to help most jump at the chance. We had a group of three that rode with us about half the way because they knew many of the people protesting so they helped us negotiate at some of our stops. They asked for nothing but i did pay them a little for their help. It is also difficult to see the response the protesters feel they have to give to combat injustice. One man in particular was beside himself with grief after losing a family member to cholera, he ran around with a baton yelling that he would let no one pass his blockade. When I explained to him that we were there to help he quickly let us by. On our way back through after we picked up the doctors I encountered the same man again who seemed to be in worse shape emotionally than he was the first time I saw him. He was still carrying a baton and wanted to fight with anyone who was willing. As he ran past me i tried to stop him to talk to him maybe console him try to show him someone cared. He was unwilling at the time and we needed to get on with the group anyway, but I am struck again by the hopelessness that so many feel and can't begin to imagine the position poverty puts them in. They are well aware that if a person with means gets cholera their chances of survival are great as opposed to the poor who die needlessly. That is some of what drives them to protest and at times become violent. When your whole life is spent looking up at despair the emotions sometime boil over. The work continues as we try to offer hope to those that are mostly forgotten. Thanks to all who are willing to engage with us as we crawl forward.


P.S. there was also a reporter with the group of doctors who was doing a story on their activities. I think you can find her report at If that's not right I know the paper is the Roanoke times so you can google it. Sorry this wasn't a well worded blog. I'm kinda just rambling a bit. The next one will be better, (i think).


  1. I love to read your keep it real and show me through your words the devastation and it helps me to know how to pray, thank you! All my love and prayers.

  2. Brian, God continue to strengthen you. You and all you are doing honors GOd. I am proud to call you son. Praying for the dear Haitians that through you, Emory, LauraLynn and others the Love of Jesus will break through.

  3. Brian, your blog is VERY well worded. I was wondering if the rioting in Cap Haitian was affecting all of you in Gonaives, not realizing you were down there in the middle of it! We just have no idea here what true hopelessness is like. Thank you for all you do to continue to bring Hope to the hopeless. Only He can bring light to that darkness. You faithfully obey His voice and bring His light to those who need Him the most and are willing to receive.

    Blessings, love and hugs, Maralyn and Gary

  4. The reporter from the Roanoke Times is Beth Macy. You can find some info at
    Right now the Times says she is on her way home and they'll be updating her story about Haiti and Gonaives and the medical team soon.
