Thursday, May 19, 2011

His supply

I've been back in Haiti for almost 2 weeks now. Still working on the home building project. I hope to have all but 16 finished before I leave on June 10th. Things have been going fairly well. The guys seem to need a refresher course on a few things each time I return but they are hard workers and it has been a blessing to see thier progress in technical skill and work ethic.

Our fund for Haiti is pretty low which has allowed me the opportunity to evaluate what I am doing here and has pounted out some areas where I have focused more on completing projects than I have on loving people. It has been difficult to reflect and see my lack of caring but good in that it allows me to correct my course in some areas. This is a long, probably life long, work for me sometimes it seems fruitless and slow but when I do as I should and care for individuals face to face it starts to make more sense. Thanks as always for your unrelenting support and care it is much needed and appreciated.



  1. The houses really look amazing, Brian. Thanks for continuing to serve the precious people of Haiti. Yes, it is so easy for us as Americans to slide back into focusing on the "project" rather than the relationships, which we should be doing as citizens of the Kingdom. We continue to pray for you as you work AND relate!
    Blessings, love and hugs, Maralyn (& Gary)

  2. Thanks for the pictures Brian. Its great seeing the progress,keep up the good work.
    Tell all the workers there I'm praying for them and appreciate their work.

    Love you

  3. It is very much encouraging to see the house being completed.
    Thank you brother for standing with the Haitian and sharing the love and care.
    Our prayers are with you and your team.
    Please give a special hello to Addison.
    Blessing and Love
    Waheed Alam
    ORR Pakistan
