Monday, April 13, 2009

We have returned back to Port au Price from Gonaives. It took more then four hours to reach and the ride was not surprising for me because in Pakistan we have same type of the ride and some times even worse because of the road in steep mountains.
Our  trip to Haiti is short but quite busy we have no idea how the days has passed like hours. I have seen the commitment and passion of our medical team Cody Smith and Joan Hall when they were holding medical clinic in the back of open truck under hot sun and their white faces are red hot but with smile of love and hope for poor of Haiti.
I am impressed by Brian Smith's effective use of time and his relationship with the people of the area.
I also want to share you the moment when Sir Ken and Aaron Hall were playing with the hungry kids before the food distribution, and the love that they were giving to them had taken away the pain of hunger for a while.
My trip to Haiti is quite a unique experience in my life and I am in wonder that only one and half hour of plane flight has changed the world. It seems like two different worlds and I was thinking what is the logic of Allah (God) behind this and I came to the conclusion that Allah (God), through this poor nation is taking the assessment of those to whom He has blessed a lot from His endless treasures of blessing.
We all believe that this world is a temporary place and our eternal life is waiting for us but are we ready to face the people like those in Haiti on the Day of Judgment?
I am thankful to all those who support me for this trip and I am looking forward to see how I can be able to serve these people. I have made some connection with the Pakistan Army who is serving in Haiti as UN peace keeping force. I will try to get all information about the scope of Pakistani Army to involve with Omaha Rapid Response relief activities.

Waheed Alam


  1. We continue to hold you in prayer as you begin your travel back home. I wish I could be there to greet you at the airport, but can't be driving that late after dark by myself. I will be thinking of you. Gary arrives home just a few hours after you do. May the Lord bless and keep you as you travel, may He make His face shine upon you, may He be gracious to you, and continue to give you peace (and sleep). Blessings and love, Maralyn

  2. The Bible has much to say about the poor such as the "poor will always be with us" & blessed are you that are poor , for yours is the kingdom of God. The Lord annointed him [Jesus] to bring good news to the poor & now uses us to accomplish His purposes through us. May the Lord bless your endevor. Thank you for going to this hard place. I am sure you will never be the same
    Regards & Blessings to you all.
    Rich DelSenno
