Sunday, July 19, 2009

Life in Haiti

As I reflect on the past week we have spent here in Haiti, so much of it seems as if I have been living in a fog. I have spent much of the week here at the house where we are staying. I have been organizing all of the medical supplies that were here and combining them with all that we brought with us. I have also been trying to make this as much of a home for our family as I can. Trying to strike a balance between living in the culture we are now in and the culture we are used to. The culture shock our kids have experienced is something that Brian and I have gotten used to over the years, so we are taking things slow for them. This fog that I have been living in, I tend to experience when here at the house; it only lifts as I step outside our yard which is enclosed by a security wall with razor wire. The security wall and razor wire is a necessity for our safety yet it closes us off to the real Haiti. The real Haiti that lifts me out of the fog and allows me to see more of Jesus is out in the streets. It is the little girl that I met that is 3 years old and probably weighs no more than 20 pounds. She doesn’t stand or walk yet, only crawls. She has red tips on her hair and is skin and bones with a small protruding belly and a vacant stare. She is very malnourished. Her name is Amania. She is one we are trying to help, but there are many more.

We continue to feed the children in the feeding program. A new building is being constructed for the program and this week we were able to have the concrete floor poured in it. I have also been making rounds to several houses and taking care of the sick. We will be very busy this coming week with medical clinics. Kim Gould, a nurse practitioner we work with, is coming in today to stay for a week. Please pray for us as we conduct these clinics and checkups on the children. It can be chaotic and overwhelming at times to see all the need and know that you can’t help everyone.


Pouring the concrete floor

Our kids playing with those in Jubilee

Amania, 3 yrs. old


  1. Great blog, Cody. Thanks for your willingness to go as a family, and to serve in an area of Gonaives where the needs are the greatest. We continue to support you in prayer and are encouraging our pr. partners to do the same. Blessings, love and h*s...

  2. Thanks Cody
    I could just cry for that little girl.
    Please hug her for me.
    Love you all.

  3. You are the hands and feet of our sweet Savior. The least of these are getting a glimpse. Thank You all.
    God Bless and Keep you.
