Sunday, December 13, 2009

Sunday Morning

It is always hard to communicate how devastating the poverty we see is. It is tough to escape the feeling of hopelessness that we are surrounded by. I feel as though i am too often looking for the magic bullet to see change in this community. Our work continues and poverty and hopelessness continue. It seems we are pushing against the tide it just keeps coming. We did another medical clinic yesterday and although I'm sure we helped some i keep thinking of the people we saw that came again with the same problems the last time I was here. How do we affect people for the long term. I think I understand the spiritual answer to that. It is just difficult to see the constancy of despair. We have been helping a widow and her eight children for about a year. I am starting to see a change in the widow she seems to feel more hopeful as we seek to represent Jesus love to her. But just yesterday she brought her eldest daughter to the clinic three months pregnant with the father nowhere to be found. So now there are nine children to feed and one less to help provide. I don't know what to do. Just when I feel we are making some headway the situation worsens. Please pray for this young girl as she faces the difficult unknown. We will continue to try and represent jesus to this family and provide them with tangible hope in seemingly impossible circumstances. Join with us as the Lord leads you.

Merry Christmas



  1. Thanks Brian for your great heart for the people I love so much.


  2. Thanks, guys, for your willingness to go, to do, and to be ... all in His love. Can you imagine His sadness in knowing that His love is there to give and to receive...if only there was a willingness and openness to do so. If He weren't our HOPE, we would be in a similar state of hopelessness. Without your willingness to partake of His sorrow, there would be NO hope for that land. May He strengthen and encourage you as you serve...
    Blessings and love!

  3. I was awakened early wed. morning with you on my heart Brian. I trust my prayers were answered and you are well. I love you. Dan.

  4. You being there brings hope. Thank you for being the hands and feet of Jesus.
