Thursday, March 25, 2010

Micro Financing in Jubilee Area.

One of our on going program with the community of Jubilee is Micro Financing in which we are building the livelihood by helping to start new businesses or strengthen their old businesses. This process goes in several steps like building relationship first and then getting their business plans and evaluate the plans with them. Picture below is showing one of our meeting with the community of Jubilee area who wants to start business.
Working with fishing community by providing help to get new traps and nets.

Omaha Rapid Response Team


  1. TO THOSE POSTING COMMENTS: I've noticed a lot of "anonymous said..." and then sometimes no name at the end of the comment. If you click on "select profile" and scroll down to Name/URL, it will bring up a box that will allow you to type in your name. You can leave the space for URl blank and it will put "-your name- said" at the beginning of the comment. Personally, I don't even know what a URL is :o) --BUT it isn't needed; just confusing.

  2. Maralyn, and "no URL" :o)March 26, 2010 at 3:29 PM

    To the Team:
    Thanks, fellas, for the continued great work you are doing down there. What a blessing you are to the Haitian people and to us as you serve. It's so good to see the pictures of the work you are doing. Thank you for taking the time at the end of the day, when you must be quite tired, to keep us up to date. May He continue to bless and keep you...

  3. This is great! Tell Brian "Hi" for me and we love and miss him here!

    Carolyn Smith

  4. What an awesome photo w/ Brian and boys near boat! Praying for you Brian.

    Chris (Team #1)
