Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Tent City Visit

Our team arrived in Haiti early this morning and met up with Brian and Waheed. It's hard to describe the feelings of actually being here. I knew when the plane landed that this is where God wants me to be. It is a land of beautiful people who have many struggles but who appreciate everything they have. Even being in the midst of the devastation, it's hard to imagine what daily life is like for many of these people. So much to do that it's easy to get overwhelmed but for me it's important to remember that each time we touch a life, we give them hope. It really is about relationships and love and the ability to provide moments to as many people as we can.

We're easing into it today and went out to one of the tent camps a little ways outside of Port au Prince. It's the first time for many of us to actually see a tent camp live and to be able to see their living accommodations. One of the goals for the day was to help families register so we can potentially find help for them from some of the larger organizations. Fortunately we had interpreters that were able to help fill out the forms and talk with each of the families.

Although it would be easier in some ways if we could speak their language, some things are truly universal ... the hug of a child, the welcoming smiles and the laughter heard as we played with the children. And the children really are just children who want to have fun and love to play. It was amazing how excited they were when we took their pictures and showed them. They began to follow us around the camp and pull more children into the pictures. Little boys posing and little girls just waiting to see how beautiful they are!

But it's hard to miss the truth behind their situation. They have no home, just a tent and in many cases just some tarps. The mothers are concerned for their children and want to provide them with food, water and the medical care needed. Hopefully we'll be able to help a few. Tomorrow we'll set up a medical clinic and care for those in need. Keep praying for us to be able to touch a few lives and that we will be able to realize why each of us has been called to be here.
Sue Arment


  1. Glad you made it safely. We will keep you in our prayers. Chris B

  2. Thinking about you alot keep up the good work. You are in our thoughts and prayers

  3. Thanks for the message. The children do look like they are having fun!

    Thank you all for your service.

    Praying Psalm 91

    Kathy S

  4. We'll keep praying - thanks for the update.

  5. Ingrid Johnson Team 1April 1, 2010 at 4:52 PM

    So awesome. I am so happy that you are feeling such a connection with the Haitian people and especially the kids. What a gift and blessing you are to them.

    Is that you Dave? You rock!

  6. Thanks for sharing such a wonderful report.We will be praying into Gods plans for each of you.

  7. In this world of conflict you are a link to a wonderful chain of friendships. Keep such a giving spirit. It will be returned to you multi fold. Joyce
