Tuesday, February 17, 2009

If you could only be here!!!!!!!

Hi from the Island of Haiti,

This is when I can truly say "I wish you were here!!!! I wish you could see the multitude of kids who crowd around us everywhere we stop. I wish you could see the multitudes sitting along the sides of the streets waiting for someone to come by and purchase some of their very worn clothes or shoes for sale, or food that has been sitting out all day in the dust. I wish you could see the streets that are "dirt" streets, but now since the flood waters have left, are turned to dust. I wish you could see the motorcycles, bicycles, cars, and trucks all trying to avoid the men, women, children, dogs, goats, chickens and pigs walking along the same narrow streets. I wish you could come to the feeding center with me and see the multitude of kids nosily waiting for us to come with the five gallon bucket of white rice, and another five gallon bucket of some kind of "bean soup" to pour over the rice. Have you ever heard over 200 kids yell at the same time because they want something to eat!!!!!! Pastor Granada plays with the kids and keeps them busy by singing songs of thanksgiving to Jesus, but they are very hungry, so basically they want to EAT. And I wish you could see kids eat when they are REALLY HUNGRY!!!!!!!! Not a drop of food left, and sometimes you see a younger child share some of his treasured rice with another child who did not receive any (33 kids today did not get any food--we ran out!) We could do nothing but throw up our hands and say "no more". I am reminded of the words of Jesus "You saw me hungry, and you fed Me; you saw me naked (and yes, some of the kids were naked) and you clothed Me". I ask the Lord for the heart of Jesus to see these kids as He sees them, to love them as He loves them. and and to be able to show that love to them. Thanks to all who have prayed and given so this trip could be a reality.

Love to all, with Thanksgiving,

Mom and Grandma and Norma Jean


  1. Thanks for loving these kids - and thanks for taking us with you

  2. It's so good to hear from you!! We've been reading all of the blogs from your team, and it's great to be able to keep up with what you are all doing! What an awesome opportunity to share the love of Jesus with these people! Thanks for all you are doing!

    Love, Angela
    (along with Rob, Emily, Ryan & Nicole!!)
