Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Welcome to the Omaha Rapid Response (ORR) Blog...

Welcome to the ORR Blog! This is where you can come to see updates direct from the field of our various relief teams. Right now, as we speak, we have a team in Pakistan, building homes for widows and orphans left homeless after the 2005 earthquake.

This coming Friday, the Haiti team will be leaving for Haiti, providing disaster and humanitarian aid to the poorest of the poor. Check back at this blog and our website, http://www.omaharapidresponse.org , for frequent updates.


  1. This is sooo cool man!

  2. You are all in our thoughts and prayers

  3. I thank each and every one of you for your dedication and service to our Lord. May He protect and bless every moment you are there... and every life that you touch..... then return you to your loved ones... who miss you sooooooo much!!!
    Debbi G
