Thursday, February 11, 2010

A drop in a bucket

Today, we opened the doors to the compound where we are staying and held an impromptu clinic. People came in off the streets with health complaints that were by no means life threatening, but they were still uncomfortable. With our basic supplies, we were able to help stomach aches, diarrhea, dry eyes, body pains and provide some validation and support to their plight.

In the afternoon, we visited the orphanage to play with and love the kids. No medical care, but it felt just as important to give the kids some attention and love.

I have been pretty overwhelmed by the tenacity of the Haitian people. What strong, strong people. When it would be so easy to throw up their hands in frustration, surrounded by crumbled blocks and cement, they don't. Instead, they work all day in the blistering sun rebuilding the walls and buildings that fell. They persevere, that is for sure.

It is very difficult to not feel like our group is such a tiny drop in this sea of need, but with each smiling face, I have to be reminded that every sea is made up of these tiny drops!

I want to thank everyone that has supported me and helped give me this amazing opportunity. I love you all!

"In every community, there is work to be done. In every nation, there are wounds to heal. In every heart, there is the power to do it." - Marianne Williamson

- Kelly


  1. Thanks Kelly for your service. I would be pleased to meet you when you return.
    Ken Smith, President

  2. Thanks for sprinkling all your "drops" around to the people in Haiti. You have more than you realize.

  3. The healing begins one person at a time --- keep up the good work --- Showers of Blessings -

  4. What precious work you and your team are doing there in Haiti! You guys are making a difference in the lives of many and I pray God will encourage your hearts.

  5. Hey Kelly-
    We are so proud of everything that you are doing. Happy to see you are doing well. Give those little ones some extra love from me.
    Love you,

  6. You all are so eloquent and express the experience so sweetly. You share the same love for our Haitian friends as those of us on Team 1. It is impossible not to! Thank you for your loving kindness and sharing! Prayers are coming your way.
    Ingrid (Team 1)

  7. Hey Kel,
    It makes me so happy to see you doing something you are so passionate about. They will miss you when you are gone!
    Miss you and love you,
