Wednesday, February 10, 2010

If I never say it again aside from right now, I have to say, I love my family. We've been here in Port au Prince for two full days working in the daytime holding medical clinics in the middle of tent cities, and this afternoon distributed rice to over 200 families. Awe. That's the word. Awe. I never imagined a place like this, where people live in conditions most of us wouldn't wish on our worst enemy. But like Brian told us on the first night, this is the way people here in Haiti live. A disaster happens and the pick up and move on. Unfortunately, the news we see on tv shows the bad stuff from the disaster and not the "bad" stuff that goes on EVERYDAY. The scene is so overwhelming that it seems at times like we've come in can we ever help these people? Well, we can only do so much, but we can help a few. That has to be enough to encourage change in the future, even if in the slightest. I was worried coming into this that I didn't have a big bag of supplies to contribute like the rest of the team, but Aaron reassured me that it was ok.....God would provide. We have food and water, companionship of friends, time and energy(some) to take care of people in need, and the protection of an awesome God.

The pearl is in the river, AND the eagle flies at midnight. :)

- Liz


  1. Anne Frank said, "How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world." That is what you have all chosen to do; God bless you all and keep you safe and healthy while you improve the world for the people in Haiti..
    Elizabeth, we saw the photos of your Day 1 and were happy to see your smile..thanks for your message today.
    Laura, Qwan, Elise and Erin

  2. Thanks for sharing, Liz! Do not underestimate the impact of the work you all are doing and how God has ways of blessing and multiplying the little that we have to offer, when we place it in His hands.
    Your words remind me of a quote from Mother Teresa, "In this life we cannot do great things. We can only do small things with great love." Thanks to you and the team for all you are doing for the people of Haiti.

  3. My Favorite Child, your father and I love you MORE than Oodles and Gobs.

  4. We love you uncle Todd Card!! Hang in there, God has a huge purpose for each of you. Praying for you daily. God speed, preserverence, love, and peace my brother. We are all so proud of you.
    Love the Nadreau Clan

  5. We are glad you are okay. Thanks for the updates. Be safe over there. Joy Ferguson

  6. Gwen,
    We didn't realize that you were joining the team to work down there. It's great to see your smiling face on Day 2. We know you're a great blessing to the team and to the Haitian people. You are all in our prayers. We had ORR prayer Tues. night and heard from Team 1 (Ken, Brian and Chris being Team *). And then we prayed..... May He continue to be your strength and song. Blessings and love from snow country.

  7. Hi Liz,I remember the impact that you had on the children in Sri Lanka, you are have an effect there now. In time you will see it, and if not, in eternity you will.
    God bless you thanks for going.lOVE AND MISS YOU.
    Ken Smith

  8. Liz: It's been great to be able to see what you and the team are doing each day. I think of you often throughout the day and keep praying everytime I think about it. You are amazing!!! Keep up the good work.


  9. Lilly-Bet,

    Love you and miss you more than you will ever know. Am praying for you and your good people and the love you all put into your work.

