Friday, February 19, 2010

Hello to all of our family, friends, and followers. I would first like to apologize for not getting to you all in a timely manner. We have been busy. Being a part of this team has been a wonderful experience here in Haiti. Yesterday was a spiritual awakening for me. (I am tearing up as I write this to you) We went to visit Pastor Genada. During that visit there was a class being taught, the teacher asked us to help him teach some English. So they got into some small groups and my group had a lot of questions for me. First off they all think I’m Haitian. So they expected me to know Creole. And now that they know that I’m American they are more than willing to teach me. So anyhow, the first question they asked me was “how do I feel about death”. I gave them my answer, we then had gotten into a conversation about how they struggle living in a third world, the poorest country in the world. To hear them express themselves to me (someone that they know is here to help) was very hard for me. God had given me the strength and courage to share with them how I struggle living and being American. I really feel that I made a connection to the group that I was talking to that no one had ever reached. They expressed a lot of gratitude for what I had shared. And in return I know why God has called me to come to Haiti. And there will be many more trips in the near future for me. I would also like to share with you all of a fear that I had and I have been praying for me to overcome that fear. That fear was praying out loud in a group. The Haitian’s that I was talking to asked me to say a prayer before we ended our session and I did it. I did not know what to say but I started the lord took over. So that was my wonderful day in a nutshell. There is so much more I would love to share but it will be at another time. Thank you all for all of your prayers, I love you all and will see you in a week.

LaShanda King


  1. LaShanda,
    Thank you for sharing a little about your experience. I am so glad you are there.
    I will continue to pray for all of you!

    Carolyn Smith

  2. LaShanda,
    Thanks for your willingness to go, for your openness, and for taking risks. You're awesome. Praying out loud is a fear we all have faced at one time or another...or will face. Isn't it great how He takes over for us when we step out in obedience. His perfect love casts out our fears. We know you are a huge blessing to the Haitian people. We look forward to hearing your experiences after you return home. May He continue to bless and keep you...Love and hugs.

  3. Thank you LaShanda, So glad you are there sharing God's love with the Haitian's. Darnell is doing well we talk to him daily. Love you and can't wait to see you.

  4. Thanks for going. I've been praying for you even before I knew you.
    Love you

  5. Aswsome! So Excited to see what God is doing in you and through you!

    - Aaron

  6. Lashanda,You are amazing! You have been an angel

  7. LaShanda, first of all given honor to God! I want to thank you. What your doing very few will try, so continue to allow the lord to direct your path. I love and miss you very much give a hug to an Haitian, from the Evans family. Your uncle Universal Soldiers Member ACE JR.

  8. Darnell,
    Lashanda I can't even find the words to say because there is so much to say, thank you for letting the lord use you. You have given new meaning to the word love... Miss you much and don't forget to give it all to God when he uses you he also equips you!

    Love you!

  9. I had a picture in my mind, It was of a great parade in heaven and all these little kids was lined up along the road; as you passed by one little boy looked over to another and said wasn't that the angel that helped us in haiti.

    Thank you for your heart and love for others.

  10. You are doing a great thing helping the people in haiti. Wish I was sharing that experience with. God Bless and be with you through this journey. Love You!!

