Friday, February 12, 2010

Haiti day ??? don't know I think its Friday.

Good evening everyone. First I want to say that in someways you can really see GOD moving in huge ways in and around the Haitian people and in others it seems to be moving in slow motion. This morning we had to reorganize the pharmacy as the Georia team was packing up to leave and need some of their suitcases back. You know, since we were using them to seperate all the medication. Well maybe you didn't but now you do. Once we got done and got the group ready to go out, we went out and delivered baby food to some of the camps. Which, turned out to setting up little medical clinic where ever we went. The sun was very hot today but the breeze made it for us. The heat and humidity get to you but then you think about the cold and snow that are waiting for us back home, I think I can take it a few more days. The buckets showers give it that extra touch. Anyway, back to the baby food distribution. We came back for lunch and a quick rest, waiting to see where or what our next adventure will take us. Some things will change by the minute, really. Well after lunch, we took a quick ride to see some of the hardest area. They where having a huge celebration for the 1st day on National Day of Prayer. It was amazing!!! Hundreds of people singing and dancing in this park area by the Palace. Presence of the Lord was there in a big way. Not to sound like a girly man but I started to cry. We left there and headed back, along the way I lost my hat. Shouldn't be a big thing but I finally got it broke in. When we got back we broke into two teams. One seperated rice and beans that we would hand out later and the other, the one I was on was suppose to head to one of the camps to medically treat some people there. On our way God had a different plan, as we were walking someone stopped us because they were sick. We stopped and started to treat her right there on the street, then a few more came. So we went into a shaded area to finish with the few that were there, when more people came and more and more. Some with just the typical headaches and stomach aches, but some where a little more severe. Kellie was the true hero. Todd was awesome to. I just handed out meds or what ever the two doctors needed. We came back about 5pm and a few of us loaded up the food that was packaged and delivered to and area that was in need. The people are GREAT, the team and the Haitian people. Its tuff here the destruction, the suffering and just the state of things.. but the life continues. Just want to thank everyone thats supporting us during this time. Thank You and God Bless. This is Brian Howe signing off/ logging out I don't know. I not very good at this blogging stuff.


  1. Thanks Brian! It's great that God had you in the right spot at the right time! "signing off" works for me!

  2. Wow...what an awesome day! Thanks for sharing your update. It is really cool to hear about the prayer meeting and to see how God is placing you guys in just the right place at the right time.

  3. Thank you for sharing, we've all been keeping you in prayer! Sorry about the hat some one else needed it, watch the ears. The updates from all have been a blessing...Brian Howe's Mom

  4. Thanks again for going and doing for those of us who would love to be there, but can't right now. You guys are wonderful! I'm looking forward to hearing from you when you get back.

  5. It is wonderful to hear what the Lord is having you do. I wish it was weeks that you could be there instead of just a few more days, but I can't wait until you get home to hear even more! The Lord Strengthen and Bless all of you and everyone you touch!!

    Love you Melodye!!

  6. Thank you Brian for crying. Those tears are in a bottle (and very manly, I might add). Days of Prayer are SO good. You are blessing many by the things you say and do.
    With Jesus Love,
