Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Team 2 Arrives in Port Au Prince

We arrived in Port Au Prince sometime after eight in the evening. It was a long two day Journey from Omaha, San Diego, Chicago and Tennee to Port Au Prince Haiti. I sat next to a Haitian woman on the bus from Santo Domingo to Port Au Prince. She was at work when the quake hit. She lost her husband and several of her coworkers. Her children were safe though, and she praised God for that. When you talk to people, hear their stories, you heart akes for them. When you see the tears in thier eyes, God uses it to touch your heart, and then you realize the burden God has for these people and how much he loves them.
Today part of our team bagged beans and rice for food ditribution tomrow and the other part of our team held our first medical clinic. We saw over 200 people. We worked with another group from Georgia. There were many people. What can I say? It is hard to describe accurately without being able to teleport you hear so you can see and hear, smell and touch. Pray for the people of Haiti. God loves all people and wants them to know him. Here are some photos of our first day.

- Aaron


  1. I says "I love you"
    C says "I miss you alot and I love you"
    K says "Take care of the people at Haiti"

    Sounds like a good start for your trip. We're praying for you all.

  2. Glad to hear you arrived! Praying for all of you.

  3. Great to hear that you made it. The time will fly. Remember you can't smuggle any children back with you.

  4. I am thinking and praying for you all. As you said, there is no way to really describe Haiti, it can only be "sensed." I pray the Lord will give you rest and peaceful sleep (especially from the mosquitoes!"
    Kris Donlan

  5. Thanks for the update, Aaron! I saw your wife tonight at the ORR meeting (who was beaming about you and your wonderful kids) and we are all praying for you and your team in Haiti.

    Good work!

    Say, how about killing off all of those nasty mosquitoes before we get there? ;-)

  6. Thanks for all your hard work. We prayed for you all at our monthly prayer meeting tonight.It was to big to host at our home so we moved it to Emmanuel fellowship church.People have told us they love the blog and are following it daily.

  7. We prayed for your team last night at the ORR prayer meeting. May the Lord give you divine appointments as you seek his face.
    Rich DelSenno

  8. Hey Aaron, Glad to see everyone's doing fine love you all wishing i could be there, Thank you for doing the work for so many; you all are a blessing to my life i will continue to pray for you all and your families until you all come home. Aaron if you see me funny looking brother "Brian" tell him i miss him and i love him to.. Lol God Bless! Darnell-Lashanda
